Collections Page Widget
- Navigate to your theme, click Actions > Edit Code
- Find the section that renders your product grid (normally
) - Copy this widget script into your Collections Template by pasting the script in the correct line. Generally this would be under the price, though this can vary with different themes.
1. <script src="{{product.selected_or_first_available_variant.price | divided_by: 100.00}}&merchantId=PLACE_YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"></script>
Replace “PLACE_YOUR_MERCHANT_ID” with your Merchant Number
- Save the theme, then check your site to see if the widget is in the correct position. Should you require assistance with this still, please let us know and we will be happy to help.
Need help?
Please let us know if we can assist by reaching out to us via the Integration Assistance Form
Updated 16 days ago
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